Making b2b great again

Making B2B Great

It’s essential to take a step back and look at a broader perspective before undertaking a digital strategy.  At this point, you’re more than likely to have conducted some digital initiatives. Some key questions to ask and aspects to consider: 

  • How will these digital initiatives deliver business outcomes?
    They should be strategy-led, with tactics as the supporting cast, but they must provide value.

  • The time for B2B eCommerce is NOW!
    Customers will demand it. eCommerce represents 13% of all B2B sales in the US (Statista).

  • How will I ensure success? How will I measure success, and what metrics will I use?
    Only 4% of B2B marketers measure marketing impact beyond six months (LinkedIn).

  • Am I committed to this journey?
    Doing it for the sake of it doesn’t work; doing it for the right reasons does.

  • How well do I know my customers? How can I meet their expectations, adding value for both parties?
    84% of B2B decision-makers say increasing digital expectations from customers is their top external threat (Episerver).

  • More and more B2B businesses are utilising D2C (direct to customer) options - How can we harness this?
    By 2021 72% of B2Bs expect 41% or more of revenue to be derived from eCommerce sites they own or operate (Episerver).


Building a B2B Marketing Ecosystem in 2022: 3 essential steps to build your strategy